The project’s Quality Assurance (QA) team has announced LibreOffice 7.4 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) . From now on you can test and try out a relatively finished version of 7.4.

LibreOffice 7.4 RC1 is available

You can download LibreOffice 7.4 RC1 here for Linux, macOS and Windows.

It is planned that LibreOffice 7.4 will be released as the final version in mid-August 2022. According to the release plan, there should be two more RCs. Since the last release, LibreOffice 7.4 Beta1, the development team has submitted 280 commits and fixed 121 bugs. In the release notes you will find a list of all the new features included in this LibreOffice version.

You can report errors and bugs found to Bugzilla. All you need is an email address to create a new account if you don’t already have one.

For further help you can also reach the QA team directly via QA IRC channel or Telegram.

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